Adjustment means dealing with any major life stressor (positive, neutral or negative) and is sometimes referred to as a “Phase of Life”. These types of changes can connect to difficulty with the adjustment, anxiety, depression, grief, isolation, restlessness, feelings of lost identity, boredom, anger, exhaustion, uncertainty and frustration.
Some common adjustment problems include:
- Preparing for a marriage, a new marriage.
- Going through a divorce, separation or breakup.
- Getting a new job, a promotion, losing a job or retirement.
- Starting school or leaving a university setting.
- Moving out from your parents’ home.
- Children moving from your home (“empty nest”).
- Caretaking for an aging, ailing, dependent parent/family member.
- Diagnosis of a medical or mental health ailment.
- Burnout from work.
- Uncertain about “where your life is going” or not being satisfied or happy with where you are presently in your life.
- Moving to a new area.
- Financial changes.
This is by no means an exhaustive list. There are many ways that we can work together to adapt, find satisfaction, support, identity and balance around these types of changes. We can look at your fears, concerns, dissatisfaction, goals and values. We can increase your assertiveness, apply problem solving, communication and coping skills. We can connect you to yourself and others. We will work in the “present, here-and-now”, to accept what can and cannot be controlled. I can assist you with breaking unhealthy patterns and thought processes for life- long change. We can get through these changes together. Underneath all of this is the importance of self-care. I would love to companion you in taking better care of you, focus on your needs and wants in life, while at the same time being there for others. My private office setting is in Buffalo/Williamsville, NY. Please feel free to reach out to me via phone, e-mail or through the contact forms through this website. I look forward to hearing from you.